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Being a Woman in 2025

Applying sound therapy to heal the impact of performative expectations placed on us by society.

Honesty, wholeness, intuition, and self-love are the keywords to the energetic centers (chakras) we will focus on to support self-healing. We will work with all 7 chakra areas including root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown to balance the energetic systems and process the expectations that we feel society has placed on us, so that we can focus on being our most  authentic selves. Some phrases we will tune into address are:

  • "People expect me to..."

  • "If I don't dress, act, or speak like X, I am too much or too little..."

  • "Everyone needs something from me..."

A woman's place in US society is anywhere she wants to be and how she wants to be. If you're feeling the pressure of performance or like you are wearing a costume to fit in, you are not alone. 

The process we will use over a 1-hour session will be to first comb through the biofield to note any major energy blockages which are discernable to the human ear and work to unblock them by playing a tuning fork until the note rings true. Often, the person receiving the treatment hears the actual change in the note when this happens and we mutually agree we've cleared up that area. We will then spend time discussing what we heard and the event which might have triggered such a blockage to name it and process it. 

Worth noting - trans women are women. This page applies to all women!

How does wearing a costume diminish my self-worth?

The crown chakra enables us to tune into our place in the universe and our connectedness to all other life - people, plants, animals, etc. Whenever we minimize ourselves, designate a place where 'women belong' and how 'women should be behave' we create an illusion than women are not part of that grander connectedness and somehow separate. This is wrong. Women naturally belong anywhere and everywhere and do not require any guidance on that matter. Self-worth, self-acceptance, and raw power are within and sound therapy helps us remove any old beliefs which might be negatively impacting us living in our power.


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© 2025 by Susanna Cagle

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