Biofield (noun): A a complex organizing energy field engaged in the generation, maintenance, and regulation of biological homeodynamics. - National Institutes of Health
1. You're emitting a field of light right now.
Biophotons are light particles, or photons, that are generated within the body and can be measured from the skin. Humans, animals, plants, and even rocks emit them. This term was coined by the NIH in 1992. These low-level light emissions may serve as indicators of the body's physiological processes and overall health. Within your body, tiny particles (cells) are bouncing off one another and splitting to create new cells. This energetic process (1) exhibits detectable rates of vibration where specific cells in each part of the body have a natural frequency (sound) and (2) results in emissions of biophotons (light).
3. By tuning your cells you can improve your health.
Cells in our bodies are made of different materials, have varying densities, and perform different functions. As a result, parts of our bodies have different vibrational frequencies at the atomic level than others. Collectively they make one sound, like an orchestra at around 5 Hz. Some cells resonate at low frequencies (cancer cells) others are higher (healthy liver cells). Sound therapy is the practice of tuning your cells to operate at their prime (healthy) resonance.
5. What will tuning me do?
We use tools like singing bowls and tuning forks that emit the healthy frequency of specific areas of your body. Frequency is a way of saying the 'number of sound waves per minute' and is measured in hertz. The healthy frequency of your heart is around 639 Hz. We place the bowl or fork above the heart touching your body and play the sound of the healthy chakra. Our cells in that area hear that sound and then mimic or mirror those same vibrations by modifying their own frequencies to match. This is called entrainment. We will do this for all major cellular areas of the body and work to bring you back into a healthy neutral state. Clients often experience relaxation and in many cases after 1-3 sessions, disappearance of symptoms such as physical pain, recurring headaches, or lessening of chronic conditions like panic disorder, depression, ADHD and ADD impact on daily life.
7. How is this different than acupuncture, Reiki, talk therapy, and proper medical treatment using Western techniques like drug therapies and surgeries?
Attune complements each of these modalities and is not a replacement for any of them.
Acupuncture - addresses the energy's flow (Qi) within the body using needles or pressure points in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture uses a precise system to target hyper-specific points along meridians of energy. Attune works around the body in the biofield (past) as well as on the body (present) via sound, no needles involved. The mental model of enabling a healthy flow of energy is the same in both practices, but the method differs with sound versus needles and trigger points.
Reiki - It stems from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning vital life force energy. The theory is that a Reiki master can channel the “universal life force energy” to you. Reiki does not rely on needles or tuning forks and focuses solely on touch.
Talk therapy - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as well as other modalities support the brain in processing past and present emotions including traumatic experiences. Trauma isn't just something we experience in our brains, but something that lives in us, in our bodies as evidenced by the now famous book, "The Body Keeps the Score". These energetic practices listed above and sound therapy at Attune complement the brain processing in therapy to support the body and spirit, as well.
Drug Therapies and Surgical Treatment - The chemical processes within the body are very real. Drugs and surgeries activate certain receptors and neurological pathways to treat the chronic conditions Attune works on, like depression and anxiety. However, we also know the Placebo effect is very real. For example, The response rates for placebo in antidepressant clinical trials range from 30% to 40%, per the NIH. Among patients with milder forms of depression and a relatively short episode duration, the placebo response rate is close to 50% and often indistinguishable from the response rate to antidepressants. If this is true, the power of belief and the body's ability to heal itself must be true. There's a lot we don't know and drugs/surgery certainly have their place. However, at Attune we are working to enable the body to heal itself and rely less on pharmaceuticals.
2. It's happening because your body is electric.
Cells use biological pumps to move ions in and out, creating an electrical charge across the cell membrane. This charge is similar to the positive and negative charges in an electrical circuit. EEG and EKG testing devices which measure the health (electrical pulses) of your heart and brain respectively operate on this principle. The whole reason this subtle field exists is because science tells us anything electric has a magnetic field surrounding it. Electricity and magnetism are essentially two aspects of the same thing, because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field. (This is why physicists usually refer to "electromagnetism" or "electromagnetic" forces together, rather than separately.)
4. How do you know my cells are out of tune?
When we experience emotion, our heart rate changes. Our thoughts zone in on that emotion. Our hormones (cortisol, dopamine) adjust. Our whole body pulses with excitement, fear, rage, love. When we feel these emotions in a big way or consistently for a long time, our cells will entrain to that frequency as their 'normal' pattern of vibration and they have trouble getting back to their healthy prime resonance. PTSD, autoimmunity, and other stress induced disorders stem from your body being in flight or flight mode to such a severe level, you're unable to regulate back into a natural state. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or other chronic conditions, there is a good chance your cells are out of tune.
6. What if the triggering event happened a long time ago or I have had this chronic condition for many years?
This is where the biofield comes in. Think of the field like rings on a tree. The outer edges represent gestation and as you get closer to your body, present day. Past emotional and physical events which impacted your electrical circuit are often stored in the format of clustered biophotons around your body. We will use tuning forks up to 6 feet away from the body to address these past events by bringing those energy packets back from the field to the body - increasing the amount of energy you have for everyday life.
8. What about woo woo auras and 'the vital energy force' in Reiki and Acupuncture?
Auras are the biofield. Plain and simple, we all have one and it surrounds our body in a roughly 6 foot radius. Aura sounds more fun that photons, but we can't help that.
Prana, Qi, Chi, Source, God, energy. At Attune, we believe there is a universal Consciousness that guides us. However, if you do not that is okay. The effect of the therapy stands on its own clinically and that is the focus of our offering. We prefer to help you where we can and if you want to know our philosophy or discuss the spiritual aspects of this practice, we recommend an in person discussion before or after your appointment.
What about shamanic healing, past lives, spirit animals, shadow work and mediumship? At Attune, we are focused on supporting your body's natural desire to achieve homeostasis and heal itself. These other spiritual practices are outside our realm, if you catch our drift.
If you've gotten this far, you're probably wondering if there is also light therapy to work on the field and not just sound therapy. Very wise! Yes, there is but this isn't something we offer because it's just not our thing. To learn more about light therapies, we refer you to the NIH's studies on low level laser therapies.
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